Everything you need to effectively teach the alphabet and help your child to build a strong reading and writing foundation.
Increase your child's learning progress today!
The How to Write Lowercase Letter Q Printable Poster in Color contains step-by-step instruction on how to form the lowercase letter Q using the continuous stroke method. Use the po...
Practice the position of objects with this kindergarten positional word worksheet. Kids will use words to describe the position of the butterfly. Positional words included are: "ab...
The UG Word Family Build Words worksheet is designed to give students the opportunity to practice their phonetic skills by decoding letter sounds and building easy CVC words to rea...
Practicing number sequence by identifying what number comes next in this preschool printable worksheet. Kids practice writing the next number. Available in color.
Trace and color different sizes of the same shape in this printable worksheet. Practice drawing oval, diamond, pentagon and hexagon shapes while working on fine motor skills.
Finger counting number match printable worksheet for preschool. Kids cut and paste the correct number by counting the fingers in each hand picture. Available in color.
Teach the beginning letter sound by tracing and saying the name of the matching picture while providing opportunities for your child to improve their fine motor skills in this prin...
Boost students reading and writing skills using this -UN word family picture and word match printable pdf. This activity is ideal for children in preschool and kindergarten who are...
Practice counting and number recognition with the Count and Compare Objects printable worksheet. Help your preschooler learn counting numbers and identifying which number is greate...
The Letter P Writing Steps Mat Printable (Color) can be used to practice learning the letter strokes until the student has mastered identifying where the letter stroke(s) begins, t...
Help your child identify words with pictures, trace the words and then write it themselves. This activity is perfect for the child who is beginning to write.
Help preschoolers learn the concept of same and different by spotting the differences in the two different pictures of the rhino and the vulture. Kids will enhance th...
Using the IP Word Family Flashcards allows children to practice recognizing and decoding simple words ending in -IP in a fun and engaging way. Download this printable PDF today to ...
Using the AD Word Family Flashcards allows children to practice recognizing and decoding simple words ending in -AD in a fun and engaging way. Download this printable PDF today to ...
Dot-to-dot worksheets provide kids a hands-on approach to learning number recognition and sequence while developing their fine motor skills. In printable worksheet, kids will draw ...
Practice writing short words and identify their sound by matching the word with the picture. This activity will improve your child writing skills and increase their vocabulary word...
Teach your preschooler to recognize uppercase and lowercase letters. Learn the alphabet in a fun way by practice identifying the uppercase and lowercase letter T with this printabl...
Number sequence preschool printable worksheets. Identifying which number comes before in this number sequence worksheet for numbers 1-10. Available in color.
Practice identifying different styles and variations of the letter N with the Letter N Race Game. This printable activity includes two uppercase letter N styles and three lowercase...
The Letter K Do-A-Dot Worksheet in Color is perfect for a hands-on activity to practice recognizing the letters of the alphabet and differentiating between uppercase and lowercase ...
In this early literacy worksheet, children practice reading and identifying words that share a pattern, words ending in -OG. In each section, students will read the OG words and ci...
In this early literacy worksheet, children practice reading and identifying CVC words that share a pattern, words ending in -OT. In each section, students will read the OT words an...
Help your child identify words that rhyme with this rhyming pictures printable worksheet. Learning the concept of rhyming words will enhance your child's phonics awareness.
If you are looking for creative ways to help your preschooler or kindergartener to practice identifying the letters of the alphabet, the Uppercase Letter Maze is the perfect activi...
In this hands-on AT Word Family worksheet, students practice reading CVC words while strengthing their scissors skills by cutting and pasting the letters to build the -at words tha...
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Learning the Alphabet
A complete set of worksheets specifically designed to help teach each letter of the alphabet - starting from the most basic concept of the letter shape to the introduction of the most common sound.